Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New Template

Ok, the last template had some copyright issues that the provider didn't realize she was breaking. So I am trying to find a new one. This will be it for the time being. I went to a website that has a bunch of free templates but whoa- some are "soft porn" so um, be careful. I just didn't think that would be the right look for our family blog.


Jamie said...

I am loving the fall look!! You know you can build your own background . Go to my blog and click on Random Thoughts and go to her old posts and she has a link where you can print all the instructions youself and you do not have worry about copyrihts and template surfing

paynejandj said...

Thanks for the tip! Jason really wanted to go with "Beards" while we are still shopping around. You may have been the ONLY person who saw our cute fall look! The fall look wasn't that great because the photos were all transparent.

Beards aren't transparent.

Pack of Robinsons said...

So, um, what's with all the Asain people all over your blog?

paynejandj said...

Not Asian people... "Beards". This was the official name of the template. Jason reeeeallllly wanted it!

Yes, we are working on fixing it.

Kristyn said...

WHAT in the world... This is a really funny background. I think it's growing on me. I admit I had to check to see if I was on the right page. Isn't a 'beard' another name for a cover-up girlfriend a gay guy has? I know that has nothing to do with this, but it was the first thing I thought of when I saw your guys. (The things you learn from Seinfeld episodes...)

paynejandj said...

Whoa! I have never heard that before! We had better change this right away. Jason really wants to be apart of the final decision on our blog look- which is GREAT. So stay tuned... (just not sure when it will happen though)