Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My Famous Baby Sister

I know most of the Jacksons have seen this (thanks to Dad/Grandpa Jackson) but I thought it was just too great not to pass it along! My little sister, the youngest, made the funny papers (we always knew she would)! Take note on the pirate's peg-leg!


Molly Bice-Jackson said...

Have you guys seen that new pirate movie yet??

Oh wait, it's rated AAARRRGGGHHH!

Sharalea said...


Kristyn said...

Nice joke Molly. I heard that one in like the 3rd grade! Ha!

Joy, nice Hallows decor! From here on out it's fun decorations till January. It's so great. And then the house looks so BARE!! I hate that part.

And Peggy should be a pirate for Halloween. Wouldn't that be so funny? I mean, she already has a "peg-leg"! (cuz she's Peggy, and it's hers, get it?) That wasn't much better than a third-grader.

paynejandj said...

Thanks for the giggles girls! I wonder if Peggy ever checks our blog. I think that is a great idea for her to be a pirate. She should send me a picture and we can post the two together.

Molly- I had not heard that joke so I really liked it.

Jen said...

Ok Joy I had to leave a comment! This is Jenny Prestwich. I was just excited to see a picture of you on Jamie's blog. Your kiddos are soo cute! Anyways just wanted to stop in and say hi!

Crazymamaof6 said...

hey Joy found your blog from Jamie too! and yay! i was so excited to find you! this is Julie Jones wheeler by the way! anyway! you family is so cute! and i may become a lurker here. don't go private because i said that either. so what is up with your fam?
all those fun siblings of yours? I am dying to know!