Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Jay R. Birthday Event

This is for the Payne family. Jay (not to be confused with Uncle Jay Jay- Allie kept wondering where he was) had a birthday so we went over to Marge's house on Sunday evening to eat cake and ice cream. It was a fun gathering and here are a few shots. It seems like these gatherings are a lot less frequent, and for various reasons I guess.


Molly Bice-Jackson said...

So what's the website where I can find these blog templates? This one is hilarious! I love it!! Can't wait to see you guys! HOw are you feeling?

paynejandj said...

Yes!!! Thank you Molly! So far you seem to be the only person who likes our new look!

Feeling GREAT! Thanks.

The site is pyzam.com- just watch out for the porn templates. But you aren't going to change yours are you? I really like it. Although "Beards" is rather eye catching.

Kristyn said...

Joy - yeah, they are for Sat. It's just a little shindig for a few family and friends, but it should be fun.

And, I got my layout off of pyzam also. There were some weird ones there, you're right. Who wants Jessica Alba plastered all over the page? Don't they know that these are mostly girls creating blogs?

Hey, did your link list get deleted when you did yours? Mine did. Oh, I forgot you guys don't have one. Probably a good idea in this case.

Kristyn said...

Joy, just saw your other comment. And YES, we did get it in the mail. We took pictures right away and Paul even wore it for a while. It was really funny. We were just talking last night how we needed to call you. THANK YOU!! We loved it - you're the best sistere in law. We never send presents, so we're very impressed. We'll send you the pictures later.