Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Lucy! Today marks two years since the day you were born and came to our family. I don't know if your mom and dad ever saw this video of you with your cousins so I thought I would share it. One of the cutest things about you was the way you said mommy. It came out "Maaaiii"- something that sounded half way between mommy and Molly. I thought how fun for your mother to have a name like that. I am sure she never got confused when other children were calling to their mothers. If you listen closely you say it once on the video. You called for her often while we were in AZ for aunt Wendy and uncle Pete's wedding.

We miss you Lucy.


Kristyn said...

I know that I should be like crying or something, but that was really funny, especially the CPR part. I'm so glad you got this video footage of them! It's sure to be cherished.