Friday, October 2, 2009


Quick dad post before balloon fiesta. It is fall which is bicho (bug) season in our home. I don't know if they are cold or what but they sure like to come inside our home. The kids like to catch them (with a little of dad's help) and look at them. Joy's brother Vic, his wife Molly and baby Peter arrived early this morning for balloon fiesta. Tomorrow morning we'll make our annual 5AM pilgrimage.

We saved this guy for a few days until Vic and Molly could take a look. This is about as big as they get in our home. He was difficult to get into a wide mouth jar. (This is a Vinegaroon by the way).
A more agreeable afternoon snack:

Letting go:


maureen said...

Way cool bug! Did he get to go to show and tell? That would have been a LOT of fun.

Erin said...

cute pics of Allie. i'm glad we don't have vinegaroons here.

Pack of Robinsons said...

'Letting go' should be framed. It says so much in that 4 x 6 rectangle.