Saturday, December 6, 2008

Saturday AM Adventure

Rather than do chores at home, the three neighbor girls came over and we all walked a few blocks away to the gym for their annual kids day. I think we were the major customers, there were only a few other families that showed up. Given that they are trying to drum up some business, here is how we fared:

Rock climbing: $0
Personal pan pizza making: $0
Jumping in the jumper: $0
Turning down the $10 face painting: $0 (kind of felt bad for the face painter lady on this one)
Tickets to the ABQ Thunderbirds B-ball game: $0
Popcorn and cotton candy: $0
Tennis lessons w/ Coach Robert: $0Not needing to share tennis balls with your pesky brother: priceless.


Krista Payne said...

Cool post. Wesley is getting big like little Andrew. It will be fun to see him here shortly. How is Allie doing in her tennis lessons? That's neat that she is getting into that for sports.

Sharalea said...

what a fun event! good for you for going to play instead of chores. I'm all about procrastinating chores! (Although I did have to attack the mound of laundry this weekend) :)

What a fun day.
Allie is taking tennis lessons for real?

Ranch Mom said...

Nice pictures. It sounds like you had a lot of fun. I almost didn't recognize Wesley.


The Miles Files said...

That is so fun that you went. I am sure that they were glad you were there taking advantage of the offerings.

Princess Muhmah and The Clan: said...

Go Climber Allie!

That little brother is priceless.

Ranch Mom said...

What a fun post! You are very lucky to have that nice rec center so close to your house. You kids do lots of fun things with your kids. I know I was too much about chores and not enough about fun when you kids were little. Oh well, onward and upward. MOM

Lindsay said...

E. saw the picture of Wesley and said, "There's Ellis!" There is a little resemblance.