Friday, April 4, 2008

Evan and Jackie

For the Paynes, Evan and Jackie are getting married next month. The Ottesens have been such a big part of our life, it was fun to go out this week and take some snapshots of them. I don't think they'll choose this kissy-kissy one and I asked if we could post one on our private blog so here you go. We wish them luck!


Erin said...

nice photo! they are a cute couple. i still picture Evan at about 14 years old. Jason and Joy you could seriously have a side business as photographers. weddings, family photos, etc.

Ilene said...

I agree with Erin on the side business thing. Want to come take family pictures for us? Actually, if we come visit you will you take family pictures for us there? I need to talk to Jay and plan a vacation.

paynejandj said...

Joy actually worked for a wedding photographer in high school. She is good at posing these types of photos, but they were great subjects. There is a high school teacher that is well regarded and people would always comment "you are such a great teacher!" He commented that it was his good students that made him a good teacher.

Lindsay said...

Great picture--is that the bridge by your house?

paynejandj said...

Good eye for detail Lindsay! It is a bridge but not the one by our house. This bridge is bright red and in this cute little shopping area. There is a red telephone booth and that was the reason they wanted to go there. It turned out to be a GREAT place to take photos.

maureen said...

Joy, out of 250 pictures you had to pick the kissy one?!
All the pictures turned out great. You did a wonderful job.