Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Sands of Time

If you know why this is funny- you are officially OLD!


paynejandj said...

Allie was thrilled to discover this record tucked away on our book shelf (it is Sesame Street). I told her we needed a record player to listen to it and she insisted she knew just what to do with it.

Stephanie said...

That's hilarious, except for the part where I'm officially old. I remember our family had some Muppets records, C is for Cookie (featuring Cookie Monster) and some workout record with Miss Piggy.

Erin said...

That is so funny!

Kristyn said...

That is great! I'm sure she looked so confused as to why it wouldn't fit too. As in, why would anyone make anything THIS big?

Sharalea said...

I'm impressed you even HAVE any records!

Jamie said...

I am officially old!!!!

Pack of Robinsons said...

this can't be the officially old factor! i don't feel old. jenny

Linda said...

We not only have records, we have a record player! And if you come stay with us, you can have the room with the record player and groove all night long. I am sure there is groovy music up there!