Wednesday, November 7, 2007

¡Sí Señor!

Today, Wednesday, was the last day of my 6 week Spanish workshop. I really enjoyed it although I didn't really get to know the kids as well as I usually do (like memorizing all of their names). In the past I have taught for 3 months in the fall and then start again in January. This is my fourth year teaching to different homeschooling groups. I have never taught in a public school to really compare, but I really like the freedom of being able to teach my own cirriculum. I have enjoyed doing it although at times it seems like "just one more thing" added to the plate. It has been much more enjoyable once I had all of my classes prepared. I usually have a song or atleast a game that goes with the words for the day so there is a lot of movement for the kids (and myself). I do a lot of my own art work for both visual aids and the worksheets for kids to work on. I have even made up a couple of the songs. At the end of class we have a story that I read to them in Spanish that goes with the day's theme. Today for example we did body parts. We sang Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (in Spanish) and then we traced our bodies on large sheets of paper (they did, NOT me) where they had to draw in all those parts along with eyes, ears, mouth and nose, etc. The book today was Caperucita Roja (Little Red Riding Hood). Like I say, I have really enjoyed it for many reasons and the money is not one of them (it's nice to get paid- though it's not much). But it feels great to see the kids having a good time and learning a language that I love and I say this as humbly as possible but I have had several parents tell me how much their kids enjoy the class, how much they are learning, compliments on my teaching, and even requests for private tutoring and teaching other classes to other groups. It just feels good to know people are pleased with the effort and energy you are expending, ya know? For obvious reasons I won't be teaching in the spring. But call me if you want to learn your colors in Spanish and we'll sing you the song (that is Allie's favorite as of late).


Kristyn said...

I can bet they were asking for private lessons, etc. I can imagine you are a phenomenal teacher! Way to be Joy. And what a way to keep up your language skills. So, si Senorita, muy bueno!

Sharalea said...

you are my hero

The Miles Files said...

That is so nice that you can do that. It is fun to do things like that when you know that you are really making a difference. And, when your kids can benefit too, it make you have one of those good mom feelings. Yeah!

Candice said...

Are you up to private lessons in AZ? We would love for Cub to learn Spanish!

Molly Bice-Jackson said...

I've got to get disciplined and learn Spanish once an for all! It would be Vic's dream come true. (Oh, wait, I think me being a Republican might be even more of a dream for him)...I have no doubt that you are a fabulous teacher. It's funny, I know what you mean about sometimes these part time jobs feel like one more thing on your plate. Sometimes I don't want to teach my two little voice students or go teach my theatre classes...but then I'm always so glad once I'm doing it that I didn't wimp out and just stay at home. (kind of like tracting on the mission). Way to go!

Molly Bice-Jackson said...

P.S. BOO HOO. You haven't commented on my blog in like 5 posts! I see who your fav. sis-in-law is.

Unknown said...

Can I get a recording of that song? Katie would probably love it. She responds better to Spanish than she does to English!

marlenegetsmail said...

Oh Joy, I knew you would be a good teacher. Acutually you are a good people person.
I hope Jason has a better week. I think the menu sounded interesting. Love ya Mom