Monday, December 5, 2011

Let the Holiday Season Begin!

We are just going to ignore the fact that we are a little behind here and just pretend this has been posted for a month already.

The beginning of December brought snow! The perfect snowman making kind of snow. We went on a family walk to the park to build a snowman. We decided it was a mom and her child. We had such a fun Saturday as a family and it was one of the last times we saw Jason until Christmas. He went to work later that same day and then pretty much never came home for an entire month.
After that it was on to a local shopping area (we arrived on foot- so fun to walk in the snow)! They had gingerbread cookies to decorate, Santa Claus to meet with and Jingles the Clown to see (we are pretty sure that Santa and Jingles are an item).
If Jingles the Clown rings a bell (pun intended- ha!) it is because we have met her several times. Several. (We don't have photos of her from the State Fair but that is her artwork on their face.)


Ranch Mom said...

Rachael, where are your shoes? Don't you know it's cold?

Cute face paintings and cute kids. Looks like a lot of fun.


Jason and Joy said...

That is so funny that you noticed her feet Grandpa. I was wondering who would while looking through the photos myself. We cannot keep socks on her. She has a little pair of boots that she will kind of keep on (we had them that day) and I also I try to put her in tights because she can't pull those off. It is a constant battle. As soon as my kids start walking it is a little better with their shoes and socks (until they are in the car, or arrived at a friend house or church etc etc etc).

Ranch Mom said...

It looks like you had a really fun family day, so sorry that Jason was so busy the rest of the time!

Erin said...

I noticed her cute little bare feet on Santa's lap right away. What a fun day!

Lindsay said...

Rachel looks like a cute little Christmas elf.

Sharalea said...

Such a fun family day! Love the snowMama & Baby!

Also--Allie's face is SO JOY!!