Sunday, December 20, 2009

Viva la Vida

One our babysitters came by after a neighborhood party and spent some of her day with us. One of the great things she did was play Coldplay's Viva la Vida on the piano in our living room.

Open the song up in a new browser window for the full Alexandra Friday Payne experience:

Sometimes Allie gets this look on her face - she likes to dance and be beautiful. She takes her performances very seriously. She ran and put on a flowing dress and a draped oversized dance shirt that flutters when she dances.
She also has learned to tie knots which comes in handy when you need to tie three... um... yes those are shopping bags into a dance sash. One Albertson's, one Target and a Big Lots.

We love our little modern dancer.


Lindsay said...

Go Allie!

Sharalea said...

love the energy!

Erin said...


Ranch Mom said...

Totally uninhibited, it's too bad that we lose a lot of that as we get older!

D.B. said...

If you like that song, I hope you have heard this one, if not, enjoy,