Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Reason #17 to not remove your diaper

We told several of you our trip would be on the blog Monday. Well it didn't work out that way. Monday morning we were unloading the last few things from Jason's truck before he went to work. Wesley was out there with us. He was right next to Jason when I heard Jason tell him "Wesley- don't take your diaper off!" Within seconds Wesley began to scream. Jason picked him up and ran for the house. Wesley had taken off his diaper and been stung by a bee- in the absolute worst place any male could imagine. It swelled up really really bad. REALLY bad! We called the doctor. A bee sting is one thing but because of where he was stung that can complicate things. They said to watch and make sure he could urinate. If not, off to emergency room. So we waited and watched. After about an hour we knew he was going to be ok when he peed on my lap. So Jason went to work and I held Wesley most of the morning. The swelling lasted all day and into the next. I took him to our neighbor's pool in the afternoon and the cold water helped a lot (he would not sit in the bathtub earlier). He is now much better but has NOT forgotten what a bad day that was. He hasn't tried to take off his diaper yet.


Jamie said...

OUCH!!!!! I think that should be closer to #1.

Sharalea said...

oh man. poor guy! hope it heals fast!! :(

Krista Payne said...

I remember when I went to free lunches one time and a bee had climbed into my sandwhich that I was eating. I chomped down on the sandwhich and the bee stung me in my mouth. I think I rode on the back of dad's bike seat while Jason rode it back home to get me doctored. Then I ate popsicles to ease the pain. Good thing Wesley is tough.

Erin said...

Poor Wesley!

Molly Bice-Jackson said...


Lindsay said...

Wesley won't remember why he avoids bees for the rest of his life. Poor kid!

Pack of Robinsons said...

Looks like the bee hit the nail on the head. Heh heh.

The Miles Files said...

Oh, that is not good. Poor little guy. I just don't like bees ONE BIT!!! I got your message last night Jason when we were at our old place for a second. Phone is on in the new house today. I will have to try calling back.

Molly Bice-Jackson said...

Ok, this is your last chance. if you don't have the new kitchen posted by the end of this week we are not coming to visit you in october.