Thursday, August 6, 2009

Halgrens here we come!

Off we go on a much needed vacation. Here we come Lindsay, James, Henry, Ellis & Clara! We leave tomorrow to go visit Lindsay and James in Colorado and not a moment too soon.

I'll leave it to Allie to demonstrate that it is time to get away as a family for some R&R. (Maybe I shouldn't do this; she'll kill her Dad when she gets older-- good thing this is a private family blog). This is what happens when your mom takes you to the bathroom at 10:30 after you have already fallen asleep. Luke's undies were on the floor and Allie, not awake kept reaching for them for some reason. Joy just finally gave them to her and she must have thought they were a shirt or something.

You may now proceed to call CPS...


Linda said...

That girl certainly has alot of hair stuck in the underwear! Kids are so funny! yes, take a vacation!

D.B. said...

CO, so where, we'll we c u?

Erin said...

that is too funny...poor, tired Allie! She will laugh about that photo someday. Maybe not til she's 40 though. Have fun on your trip!

Molly Bice-Jackson said...

And why were you taking her to the bathroom at 10 thirty? Oh man...she looks pained. (Payned). Ha.

Lindsay said...

This is Joy-

Allie will occasionally have a problem making it through the night if she had a lot to drink before bedtime. It is no problem at all as long as she goes to the bathroom right before she goes to bed. It is just part of the bedtime routine (it is for most everyone right?). That night I wasn't sure if she had gone to bathroom before bed so it was just a precaution. She obviously never really woke up since she was talking and mumbling strange things, pawing at the air and then reaching out for what I was guessing Luke's underwear. So I handed them to her not sure what she was going to do. You can't tell in the picture but I was laughing so hard I could barely breath out Jason's name.

Anonymous said...

wait what? She put them on her OWN head?

Kristyn said...

This picture reminds me of the girl in "The Watcher in the Woods" movie.. you know, where they see the ghost girl blind folded. Freaky Stuff!

Lindsay said...