Tuesday, December 18, 2007

More shots at the temple...

Can you tell they are father and daughter? Vic, there are several of these and I had the hardest time trying to decide which one was the cutest! "Up-i-da". Ok Payne family, you will have to help me out on the correct spelling of "airplane" in the language of Payne-ism.

From the series of photos we took of Allie and Luke, I am not sure who was having more fun- the kids or grandpa! Thanks grandpa for wrenching your back out for a few moments of glee!!!


Molly Bice-Jackson said...

Jason looks hot in these photos! I love the first one of Vic and Lucy!!!

Lindsay said...

These are great pictures Joy.
I thought of you while doing my now VERY CLEAN laundry last night. Can you guess why? Thanks again!

paynejandj said...

VERY CLEAN? Did you use the oil eater/degreaser?

Lindsay said...

Yes. It's great.

marlene said...

I love love these photo's. Oh I have some cute kids. Now I have some cute grandkids. vic and Lucy are bonded! At least for now, wait till she wants the car and you say no.Love the wedding. I think Wendy will be happy to see what we were doing while she was happy being with Pete. LOve Mom