Tuesday, March 23, 2010



Last week was spring break (and it snowed) but guess what we got to do?! Go see the dinosaurs! It was really really amazing. Other than the fact that I forgot diaper and wipes for Wesley which turned out to be a disaster, but really we had a great time. The boys still play trains every single day and they love cars but they have also really been into dinosaurs. They all have. Allie has been bringing home library books on dinosaurs from school lately so we have been reading a lot about them. The kids loved the show and did not get scared. There was a surprising roar or two that caught us all of guard but that just added to the fun. You really have to check out the link and watch the short video to appreciate what we saw.


Pack of Robinsons said...

Wow, that video was amazing! Are they coming to AZ???

Pack of Robinsons said...

Joy, Garrett went to this a few years ago with his Mom. They said it was awesome! Cool spring break! Literally!

Erin said...


Molly Bice-Jackson said...

Looks like fun. Lucy and Peter would LOOOVE that.

So, how far along are you again? I've decided you better find out the sex of the baby. Thanks.