I was just thinking about back in the day when people would take slide film on their vacations and then have friends come over and make them sit through a slide show of their trip. At least here you can skim what you want and come back to it if you cannot sit through an entire post.
Yosemite was BEAUTIFUL! Absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous! A neighbor of ours says May (around Mother's Day) is the best time to go because the waterfalls are flowing after the melting of the snow. We only got to see two waterfalls flowing and they were so beautiful albeit there was obviously not as much water as normal. BUT the fall COLORS... I kept thinking "If we were here in May we would be seeing water but missing out on this [the amazing colors]". I guess we will just have to go again. It was so fun camping with Ilene, Jay and little Andrew. We had our radios on so even though we were in separate cars we could still carry on a conversation (isn't that right Kilo Echo 7 Romeo India Lima).People kept telling us to watch out for the bears and don't feed the bears. The bear boxes are the absolutely ONLY place you can store food (other than your tummy). If not properly latched, you will get scavengers.
These boy were never happier than when we finally put them down to let them crawl in the dirt.
And talk about yummy food. Doesn't everything taste better when you are camping? Instead of going through our whole menu... here's a sample- pork chops and stuffing with a dijon apricot sauce and topped with peaches . Baked in the dutch oven. OH Yum!!!
The kids had a GREAT time. I think Luke slept better in that tent and sleeping bag than he has for a while. Allie and Aunt Ilene (why don't we have a photo of Ilene?) found a baby tarantula nearly dead while washing dishes.
And other than crying because they were cold or whining because they wanted to be carried or pushed in the stroller on any of our hikes we had a great time with them. You should have seen the looks and laughs as we pushed the double jogger 0.8 miles UP HILL to Vernal Falls. Not one person passed without commenting. It was hilarious and quite a workout. We decided to make them walk when we read the Sequoia grove was 1 mile down a steep trail. Turned out to be a gentle slopping WIDE paved single lane road. Perfect for a stroller. ugh.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Posted by
7:20 PM
Friday, October 24, 2008
Jack Kerouac didn't travel with 3 kids
We went on a short walk down the street to see what we could find. Allie found this cool tree. (By the way, I used our new ultra-wide Sigma for most of the photos on this post).
Posted by
6:43 AM
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Grove Adventure
Posted by
9:18 PM
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Posted by
4:21 PM
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Do you remember the emails that used to go around where someone sent you funny/silly info about themselves and you were supposed to in turn write about yourself and then send that on to everyone you know? Now people "tag" each other in their blogs. Shara tagged me (Joy) with this one. It is fun- the 4th photo from your 4th folder. Our folders are kind of... jumbled. But here it is:Vic and Molly dating. Do you two remember what the stresses of life seemed to be then? Different world then, different life now. But there is a little hidden message in this photo, there is hope. Do you see it? Right above you and between you. That is where you will find it.
Posted by
8:00 PM
Well, no mass ascension at the Balloon Fiesta this morning. Pretty disappointing for us and for our friends Jeff and Vicki Jones who flew down from SLC to see it (they may try one more time tomorrow morning). It was too windy-- not to bad on the ground but 50mph winds aloft. So instead the fiesta devolved into two Brazilians having an hour long contest to see who could throw a longer flame. Remember that guy who commuted on his bike to save the world? Well...So, I bought a lens this past week (a Sigma 15-30mm ultra wide angle zoom). It is another Craigslist lens, but this time it seems to have worked out quite a bit better. I bought if from a guy at a photo studio in the South Valley here. I went down with a friend from work during lunch hour; we ate El Modelo stuffed sopas to celebrate that garage sale/Craigslist high. The guy sold it with a 10D- Canon's first generation prosumer camera (by the way, I think I'm more on the ...sumer side). The 5th generation (50D) is the latest and greatest. I currently use a 30D (8MP by the way)...
So we salvaged our early morning by going on a quest to find the Spammobile for Erin. Eat your SPAM Polynesian heart out Erin.
The ladies of SPAM are always so happy to rid themselves of their product.
Allie whined until we found a trash can where we could throw away the SPAM so she could eat the bun. Mac and Cheese couldn't even disguise the SPAM yesterday for lunch. And here we have Luke in a Spamatose condition.
Sorry Luke, no dragon balloon this morning. He was quite disappointed and just went back to sleep. I'll need to play some more with this lens-- too bad there were no balloons to photograph. And they were actually excited and cheerful this time when we pulled them out of bed at 5am.
Posted by
4:36 PM