Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hello... helllloooo out there?

Many of you may already know but we have been in a black hole of 'incomunicado'. No phone (old dead unchargable phone) because we had no internet. No internet which we finally narrowed down to a bad modem. Turns out prepaid cell phone doesn't work well at the house and is really expensive as a house phone even when trying to limit your calls to the necessary.

So now- new physical phone, new modem, reconfiguration with the computer and wiring, new cell phone (kind of- new to us) and hooray we are back and trying to catch up. However, we have been locked out of our email which is another battle (because it would have been too good to be true otherwise). Some friends have actually suggested carrier pigeons to help us in our woes.

We are anxious to blog about life in the past two months and hope to do that soon. We love you (because if you read this blog you have been invited to because we love you).


Ranch Mom said...

I'm glad you are back in civilization (digital civilization that is). Hope to have some new pictures and adventures to see soon.


Sharalea said...


Wendy said...

yeah- new pics!!

The Miles Files said...

We miss you guys- hope all is well, and that you are having a fun summer!

Linda said...

YESSS! i just figured you were really really busy. And we would hear from you when school started!