When I was little I remember asking my mom why there wasn't a "Kid's Day". After all we celebrate "Mother's Day", "Father's Day", everyone gets a birthday, but what about a Kid's Day?! My mother told that Christmas was for the children- starting first and foremost with the celebration of a little baby boy born in Bethlehem.
Now that I am a mom, I totally get it!Isn't Rachel just so sweet! I just want to cover her with kisses!!!
We have to tell you a little bit about Wesley. He has had this obsession with swords. His little friend let him take one home to borrow for a day and he would not part with it. He saved us from many a bad guy and at dinner he slid it (one handed) safely into his scabbard (which was back of his t-shirt right through the neck opening behind his head) and then of course slept with it that night. You can imagine what we realized HAD to be on his Christmas list!It was a good thing too! How would we have ever gotten through the wrapping paper?!
Wesley is not our only little warrior fighting against evil. Allie begged for a bow and arrow since this summer when she got to play with one at a friend's house.
But she is still our first little princess and so the princess video gift from Grandma Payne was a huge hit!Luke is just so fun because he is so expressive! What does a train say... WOO HOOOOO!!!!
Rachel wasn't left out. She got a papasan baby swing (wait, was that for her or her mom and dad?) which arrived a week before Christmas. It has a mirror with little rotating figures around it. She often looks up and sees the most adorable little baby girl who smiles back at her! The swing was worth it for that alone!She also got a Skuut bike (which means we only got one and the kids, the boys especially, have to share. That is why Santa brought it for Rachel).
Another few of the reasons for Christmas: FAMILY!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Mery Christmas 2010
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8:06 AM
Monday, December 27, 2010
Other Christmas Break Activities
Let's see, what else have we gotten into...
Between our AZ trip, getting ready for company here, and of course a new baby I feel like I have done a lot of laundry this month.
We have had a lot of fun with cousins! Allie and Uli the models:
They had fun doing things like going hiking...
exploring and discovering new oddities...
even a little rock climbing.
Rachel was blessed on the 26th. It was special for us to have family here for the event.
And we have played a lot of games with our little family. Allie learned how to play UNO from cousin Jack about two week before Christmas and we have been playing the game nonstop. We have some fun simple games for the little guys too, like Hot Potato:
We are excited for 2011 and the wondeful things ahead. More babies (not us), two weddings (both sides of the family) and more learning, growing and discovering.
Happy New Year to you all! We love you (because if we didn't, you wouldn't be invited to our private blog ;o) ha)!
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2:09 AM
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Arizona Fun
Wendy is a nurse! Well, almost. I guess she still needs to pass the boards (which will be in January, right Wendy?) and then it will be official. We are so glad we got to be there for her graduation ceremony. She even wore Grandma Jackson's nursing pin which was special for all of us (my grandmother was a nurse when she was young).
As always, it was fun getting to play with cousins. The Blond Brotherhood below:If you don't know my little brother Paul, that is his garage art in the post below; a self portrait. He is a very talented and funny guy. Can you tell which boy is his in the bathtub?
Cousin Mackay.
Little Rachel. She cried ALL day Friday (I think because of strawberries that I ate) and then felt much better.
On Saturday, we had a pizza painting party at my brother Sam's house. He didn't want his house to be pink anymore. Go figure.Sam got little tiny craft sponge rollers for the little guys. It was a huge hit!
Wendy the nurse (moonlights as a house painter).
My sister Jenny is a very talented seamstress. She does the costumes for plays. She even won a award earlier this year for her talents (in Arizona's version of the Toni Awards. Red carpet and everything). They are getting ready to do Peter Pan.
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2:37 PM
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Any News?
Reading the news with dad (and you all thought Henry was a genius :o) Yup, it's in the genes).We had the after vacation/holiday/family reunion blues when Jay and Ilene left. Here are a few shots that were supposed to be included with our Thanksgiving post but some how got missed.
So fun to have cousins close in age (like 3 weeks).
We are very excited to be heading to Arizona for Wendy's graduation from nursing school! Hooray! Now that is exciting news!
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9:12 PM