Thursday, June 17, 2010

This is my life- OFTEN!

And really, what is it with Wesley's fascination with smearing, rubbing, plopping things on his head and hair???


Kristyn said...

I LOVE IT. I know you probably find me totally annoying, but these are the posts I love the most Joy! So, so funny.

And what, burglarized??!! That's it, Albq is off our list of potential places to move to. Just kidding. We're not going anywhere anytime soon. (And besides Santa Maria could double as Harlem's twin city.)

Ranch Mom said...

Aaahhhh, Wesley may love messes, but isn't he a Sweeeeet Boy! He is so darn cute. Did he get a slight haircut or is the hair just matted down with mud?? MOM

Ranch Mom said...

How did you get a picture of young Jason and Wesley together? Did you Photoshop one of Jason's old photos onto Wesley's photo?


Linda said... you have a mud room? do you just hose them down? you have all the fun!

Erin said...

I am going to buy stock in Tide and OxiClean!

Pack of Robinsons said...

Per Ranch Mom's comment, did Jason cry a lot too? I can totally see that. - Chris

D.B. said...

glad it's yours and not mine lol

Wendy said...

Thats hillarious! What a funny kid! What a fun life he has!