Sunday, November 22, 2009


Visiting Grandma and Grandpa if Florida is such a miserable experience. You can see it all over our kids' faces. So much wide open grass to run through. If it isn't wide open grass, you are climbing through jungle- ducking under palm leaves, scrambling over roots, wild life every where.

You learn crazy things- like how to drink from a house...
that you can make great sand balls to throw with Florida soil...
that baby cows named Scrappy who run around and play and think they are a dog... are still babies and sometimes need to rest...
that on rare occasions on back roads while looking for alligators (and seeing them) and finding wild hogs and armadillos you don't always have to wear a seat belt...
although you do have to be inside the truck when it moving. All very miserable.

The only pleasure to be had is putting kids to bed at 6PM New Mexico time (or was that putting them to bed from 6PM to, say, 9PM- again, and again, and again).

Misery does love company- Jay, Ilene and Andrew are coming out for the pity party Wednesday night.


Krista Payne said...

You poor guys, I hope all of you are taking the misery ok. Good Luck!

Lindsay said...

You know what they loves misery. :)

Payne-ic Attack said...

We will bring the tissues. Can't wait to get there. J & I

Sharalea said...

What a ball! Glad you're having fun (I mean, er...sorry you're so MISERABLE)!!

Pack of Robinsons said...

I didn't realize you're in florida! Oh how fun.

Anonymous said...

baby cows to play with?! Awwww!

Erin said...

Poor, poor, kids! How miserable! Have a great Thanksgiving guys!

Vic said...

Oh, wow. I want to go too next time. I need to figure out how to get to life on a ranch.

Princess Muhmah and The Clan: said...

I love the picture of Wesley with Jason's dad!