Sunday, April 6, 2014

Soccer kids

Soccer season is drawing to a close.  Dad gets to referee Wesley's team and do photography for each of the teams.  Its a good thing I don't charge for the service - the families definitely get what they pay for!  

Here are the Fireballs.  One of Wesley's best friends (Asher Wheeler) moved away and he misses his team... His team misses him too.  These four boys get to play the whole game with no break.  Coach David has been great as well. Here are two six year old boys you may know:

It is a fact of life that 6 year old soccer is rarely played on the field...

And now we have the Firebolts.  We have grown close to the parents on this team in particular.  They are all wonderful people and have made attending the games very enjoyable.  We miss the older brother of the boy who moved on Wesley's team (Kaden Wheeler, moved to Seattle before the photos):

 This Luke boy has scored goals this year- maybe about 5 or so.  His first goal was very exciting to his dad as it was exactly one more point than I scored as a boy!  Any guess which 7 year old is which?

And now for the Pink Praying Mantids.  The coaches are both teachers, Mrs. Thomas is Allie's teacher at school and Mr. Thomas a science teacher at a local high school.  He coaches a girl's high school soccer team.

Little Rachel dances around and plays with the other kids at the games.

In other news, Rachel asks for a "princess sparkles" story every night.  She has been sleeping with the boys (they sleep sideways in the queen bed located in the boys' room).  The boys can't stand princess sparkles stories for some reason.
She is trying to control her prince as I recall...

The day after her princess dress up she got a hair cut - not as fun as eating a fudgecicle apparently.


D said...

We miss you so much! My boys have so much confidence in making friends here because of all the friends they left behind. Thank you for raising such great friends! Way to go Luke for all of his goals! I also love that Rachel is so unabashedly girl in the midst of all her brothers. :)

Sharalea said...

Love these! How fun to be the photographer at all the games--what a busy crew of soccer champs you have! Love the comparison pics w/Jason's photos.


ALLIE! WHEN DID SHE BECOME A YOUNG WOMAN!? She looks so beautiful & confident. Love.

Anonymous said...

They're so cute!

Anonymous said...

Also, I think young Jason, and young Thad look really similar.