Sunday, February 23, 2014

Scientists in the House!

Science Fair is not optional at our house- not when Jason Payne is your father.  Fortunately they (all of them) love it.  The kids love spending time with Dad and working on a project together.  

This was the first year that Allie had to do it for a grade.  She wondered if there was a correlation between the weight of a chamisa gall and the mortality rate of the larva inside.  It was really fun that not many people (teachers/judges especially) even knew that there was a baby fly inside.

Luke's project was actually a scientific demonstration (4th and 5th grade have to do experiment vs. a scientific demonstration).  He made a crystal radio- A RADIO- out of an oatmeal container!  He could pick up two or three radio stations with it.  I was really excited and proud of him.  Did the judges get it?  I don't know if he spoke loud enough for them to understand.

 Wesley's experiment was "Which Rocket will go the highest?"  I think you can learn A LOT about my husband by looking at the Science Fair projects of his children.  Anyway Wesley shot off 3 rockets and thought the black one would go the highest.  It was the white one in the end.

 Cool flames!  Notice anything ironic in the background?  How funny and (initially) coincidental.

Wyatt's experiment?  How cute can a baby be when he climbs in a basket?  Results: Soooo CUTE!!!  Very scientific and conclusive.

It has certainly been a busy several weeks culminating with this past Friday when Jason and I both got to be judges down at the school.  That was so fun to talk with the kids about their projects!  We did not judge our own children though- in case you were wondering.  Fun but I am glad it is over now!

My exhausted scientists.


Ranch Mom said...

Paybacks are great, aren't they.


Ilene said...

Very cool. I didn't know you could make a radio out out of an oatmeal box! Most people probably can't, actually, but smart people like Jason can :)

Ilene said...

Cool! Wesley, that was my same project when I was in 5th grade! Jason, do you remember the theodolite? I remember explaining it to the judges/teachers along with the tangent table and geometry used to calculate the altitude. It is still a fond memory of going out in the Subaru with Carter and Jason helping me to do all the work. I remember looking for and collecting all the wadding from the rockets and Taylor picking up somebody's toilet paper instead. Poor kid, just trying to help out. Thanks for the post, it is great to see the tradition carrying on!

Ranch Mom said...

These Science Fair projects were such great family moments! The kids will always remember them. Just think, you'll be able to have all 5 doing SF projects before Allie gets out of high school. Fun!

Sharalea said...

Seriously. This is like my childhood all over again! Love it! We've started doing science experiments with Granddaddy (Andrew) on skype--SO.AWESOME.

Well done, Paynes!