Wednesday, September 12, 2012

In Labor!

Dad here, just a note to let you know that Joy has been in pre-labor for a day or so. Labor really started this evening about 6:00 or so. It's 9PM, I'm guessing we'll go to the hospital before midnight... Hopefully we'll have good news in the AM! Here are some photos I took of Joy right before more difficult labor began at 6. Her smiles over the last several hours have not been quite as wide...
By the way, Wes has started preschool, here are some photos of the happy Eldorado Baby Eagle:


Jason and Joy said...

It is now 9:50pm. I have laid down to rest and labor and labored in the tub. Things are moving along. It is hard work but we are excited! I try not to think about how much longer this may or may not take.


The Miles Files said...

We are excited for you, and will be praying for you. You are amazing Joy!

Ranch Mom said...

What cute pictures, we are excited to hear the good news in the AM!

Ilene said...

Good luck we will continue praying for you. You are amazing!

Sharalea said...

You are a rockstar, Joy!! I can't believe you updated this post yourself--amazing. GLad you got some rest & labored some in the tub--yay for water relief! We are praying for you--smooth labor vibes & that the OB that you meet up with will be Mama-centered & wonderful!


Kristyn said...

I am so excited for you! Having a baby is one of the MOST amazing, near heaven experiences I've ever felt. I know yoh feel the same. I can't wait to hear more details in the morning! I want to call you every hour all night, but I'm not going to. But don't forget even the smallest detAil in this birth story because I want to hear it all! Good luck! Love you to pieces! Now go and rock it, all natural mama!!