Sunday, October 2, 2011


We found a dead hummingbird in our front yard today. We buried him in the flowerbed near Allie's fish. Luke said a little prayer:

please bless the hummingbird
and the fish's head
and that the hummingbird was so beautiful
and the fish was so yummy


Ranch Mom said...

Luke's little prayer was so sweet and also so funny:-). We loved the card you guys sent, was Allie the one who put it together? It was quite a masterpiece. James loved it. Pat

Lindsay said...


marlenegetsmail said...

You ate the fish! Wow, what a "not waste anything family!"
Thanks for sharing, loved it. Mom

marlenegetsmail said...

You ate the fish! Wow, what a "not waste anything family!"
Thanks for sharing, loved it. Mom

Wendy said...

LOL! How funny! Love it!