Thursday, June 2, 2011

End of the School Year Wrap-up

Allie was so excited about the field trip to Shady Lakes at the end of May. She was so worried it might rain. It didn't rain much, mostly SNOW. Weird huh?! But I guess the weather down by the lake wasn't too bad to keep them from "having the BEST day of [their] life!" Shady Lakes is a very large pond that they stock with fish. Allie caught the second largest fish of the day so we were told.
Guess who was not afraid to cut off her fish's head?
Yes, we did eat it for dinner. It was actually really yummy.

Allie's first grade class also put on a musical "The Bremen Town Musicians". She was the rooster.
She is doing her cock-a-doodle-doooo in the above shot. Apparently she changed it up a bit for each performance to make her audience laugh. And yes that is a skirt on her shoulders. It was her idea and when she "roosted" down for the night, it really worked as her "feathers" covering her little rooster body.
We love our little fish catching poultry (now that is a funny phrase)!


Ranch Mom said...

Allie, congratulations on catching a fish that you could all eat for dinner. Fishing is a fun family activity! Your class play looks like it was a lot of fun, thanks for letting us share it by seeing the pictures! Grandma Payne

Erin said...

what a cute and talented girl! i can totally see Allie as an actress. sounds like she could design her own costumes, too!

Sharalea said...

What a talented (and brave!) girl! I am pretty sure I would not be cutting off a fish head...