Monday, April 28, 2014

Our last day in Florida

So maybe you are asking "What happened to the first 9 days of your trip?!"  Well, let's hope Jason took more photos on his phone.
We went to Florida- once last time- for Spring Break before Grandma and Grandpa move out west.  And boy oh boy did we have a jolly time!  
Our last full day there we went to the Brevard Zoo and Tree Top Trek.  What a fun adventure that was!
Luke, Wesley and Rachel are getting into their harnesses ready for the Chutes and Ladders course.  Rachel was really to small for it but since Jason is tall, he was able to clip her onto the red safety line the ran through the course.  They were a great team.
 It took only a few times for before the boys had it down.

 Wyatt would have really loved it!  He followed around on the ground hoping someone would just give him a chance.

 Rachel was a little nervous of the zip line at first.
 But she got the hang of it.
 The zoo was so fun too!  Luke was not too sure at first about the birds landing on him with their claws.  It was all we could do to get him to hold still.

 We even fed the giraffes.

Now in case you were feeling sorry for Allie because she didn't get go with the other kids, well don't worry.  Allie and I (Joy) did the Tree Top course.  And that was INCREDIBLE!  And so fun and a great adventure to do together!  I had to snag these photos from the internet so you can see what we did.

Thank you again Jason for being the man on the ground this time.


D said...

So fun to see all of your faces. You are the best! Poor Wyatt. His little outstretched arms just kill me. I love how paint Rachel looks as she tiptoes onto the course but I bet she just ate it up. Looks like you had an amazing time!

D said...

Dainty not paint. Lol though i do remember her covered in paint. :)

marlenegetsmail said...

What a fun trip. Glad you got to do this. Mom

Ilene said...

That looks like a fun day! The tree top course seems like it's training kids to not be afraid of heights and to be a little daring--smart.