Friday, August 2, 2013

Summer Project

The preschool had a water table that had Lego table top.  But they really wanted to play with the water so they were looking at making or buying a water table.  That can get expensive.  I suggested that they just make a new frame for the Lego top.  And then... I volunteered to make it.  Who do I think I am?  Keri Payne?!
Part 1: The pieces cut, sanded and stained.
 Part 2: Assembly.  This took a number of tweaks to get right.  The first time through, my neighbor, who it turns out likes to do a little word work here and there, came over and said "That's not square.  You've made a rhombus."  It was all very loving but I was a little discouraged.  I made a few adjustments, trimmed a few ends and then finally- it worked.  
Well it worked good enough for a bunch of 4 year olds.
 And then just for kicks I put this together.  Do you know what it is?
 Ta Da!
 And just for kicks- the sunset from our back yard.  Mmmmm summer days!


Ranch Mom said...

Well Joy, I have to say that I'm impressed! I don't understand exactly what a water table is, but what you made looked great. The bike rack was genius and your sunset photo is gorgeous!!

Krista Payne said...

When you asked for guesses I was thinking hat the bike rack looked like a panel that cows or calves would stick their heads through when their eating at the manger. Its a good bike rack though too.